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Just Another Rant

Just Another Rant

I am so tired of hearing that Life Site News (a conservative Catholic media outlet) lies and is anti-Catholic. The reporters on Life Site that cover the Vatican are just doing their job – reporting what is going on. If people don’t want to know the inner workings of the Vatican – don’t read the...


Some Articles that Caught my Eye this Morning 4/7/2019

A Someone once asked me, “How do you reconcile your beliefs with science?” “Simple”, I said: “God created the world (universe) and science is trying to discover what He did.” This article is a summation of all the secular explanations of how the world began. None of them mention God. None hold water. http://www.ncregister.com/blog/astagnaro/in-the-beginning-god-created-the-heavens-and-the-earth These...

The Illogic of Sanctuary Cities

The Illogic of Sanctuary Cities

In the United States today, there appears to be a proliferation of “Sanctuary Cities.” Some states are declaring themselves as “Sanctuary States.” The consequence of this movement is to protect illegal immigrants, with criminal records, from being deported. The ostensible reason for this “protectionism” is to prevent parents from being separated from their children who...