Month: September 2021

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I am a Successful Dieter

I have struggled with my weight from the time I was in high school. I never seemed to be able to get my weight down to what the experts told me that I was supposed to weigh. If I wanted to be an air line hostess, I had to get my weight down from 145...

I have a new mentor. Her name is J. A. Jance.

I have a new mentor. Her name is J. A. Jance.

I have been reading books by J. A. Jance for years. She has several series. My favorite is the Joanna Brady series, that is based in Bisbee, Arizona. Jance is a “teller of tales” with a mystery interwoven in the story. She is always “a good read.” Her stories keep me turning the page and...


Who can I Kill Today?

The rules keep changing. When I was growing up. There were only two classes of people that could be killed legally – convicted felons on death row and enemies during a war. Today it is very confusing. The rules keep changing. It is now legal to kill an unborn baby but you can’t kill a...

Pam relaxing

Have you ever wondered why you are still alive?

Your friends and relatives, people you know, keep dying around you. They die suddenly or from a protracted illness. People you went to school with keep dying and class reunions get smaller and smaller. Friends die in automobile or airplane crashes. They die from autoimmune disease, cancers, CO VID, from many different sources. Death is...