Category: Politics

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The Message, the Messenger, and the Platform

In our violently argumentative and abusive society, we not only disagree with each other, we want to destroy each other because we disagree. Our arguments are primarily emotional rather than rational or logical. We seem to have lost the ability to debate ideas and issues and instead resort to abuse and attack. As I read...


Some Articles that Caught my Eye this Morning 4/7/2019

A Someone once asked me, “How do you reconcile your beliefs with science?” “Simple”, I said: “God created the world (universe) and science is trying to discover what He did.” This article is a summation of all the secular explanations of how the world began. None of them mention God. None hold water. These...

Love your Neighbor

Love your Neighbor

The United States Constitution was drafted as a document of rights and freedoms for the American people. Anyone reading the document can see the influence of Christian teachings running throughout. “Love thy neighbor’ is a continuing theme. It is emphasized repeatedly in the New Testament and is reflected in the Constitution. The responsibilities of citizens...

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