Year: 2022

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Goodbye Lilibet

Goodbye Lilibet

She was so tired! She was even too tired to smile as she sank back on her bed. She closed her eyes gratefully and relaxed. “Please, oh please,” she thought, “just leave me alone. Just this once!”It was so peaceful and quiet.Then a voice she had loved for so long spoke to her: “Get up,...


No matter how old we are, we still want Heroes

We still want heroes in our lives, no matter how old we are. Perhaps that’s why TV programs like Law and Order, Forensic Files, or Blue Bloods are so popular; they are all based on the hero solving the problem and protecting the innocent. These TV programs replace the comic book hero characters of our...


Helping or Controlling?

Many years ago, when I was a lot younger than I am now, I would do things for people that I thought were “helpful,” Today, as I am faced with people who are trying to be helpful to me, I wonder whether, in the past, I was being helpful or just plain controlling. I used...

My brother Bill

Everyone Needs a Big Brother

I had a big brother. His name was Bill. He is gone now, but when he was alive, he was a great big brother. As a little girl and as a grown woman, I always knew he was there for me. Everyone needs a protectorEveryone needs someone who is there for them, no matter what.Someone...


A Brief Political History of Broccoli: A Guest Post by Barbara Sheerin

Broccoli originally was cultivated in Italy and Asia Minor in Roman times. It is a family member that includes Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, kale, and kohlrabi. Thomas Jefferson was the first president to mention broccoli in his early gardening efforts in a letter in the late 18th century. Despite its early presidential support, broccoli took...


All New Immigrants Need a Sponsor

I should know, I have been a new immigrant three times in my life. Even if the immigrant knows the language and has a job waiting, there are many living activities that are unfamiliar. Living arrangements, transportation, banking, mail are all different from one country to another.My first experience with being an immigrant was in...

The Difference between Natural Selection and Selective Breeding in Dogs

The Difference between Natural Selection and Selective Breeding in Dogs

Selective breeding is used by dog breeders, as well as breeders of horses, cows and other livestock. As its name implies, breeders who are looking for a particular characteristic in an animal will select only those animals with that characteristic for breeding. Racehorses and Greyhounds are selectively bred for speed. An American male horse that...

Conquering My Addiction to Food

Conquering My Addiction to Food

Since I was a child, I have been addicted to carbohydrates- the higher the glycemic index, the better. Corn on the cob was a favorite. If they served it as part of a meal, that was all I ate. I ignored the rest of the meal they served. Potatoes, fried rice, breads of all kinds...

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