Category: Miscellaneous

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My brother Bill

Everyone Needs a Big Brother

I had a big brother. His name was Bill. He is gone now, but when he was alive, he was a great big brother. As a little girl and as a grown woman, I always knew he was there for me. Everyone needs a protectorEveryone needs someone who is there for them, no matter what.Someone...


A Brief Political History of Broccoli: A Guest Post by Barbara Sheerin

Broccoli originally was cultivated in Italy and Asia Minor in Roman times. It is a family member that includes Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, kale, and kohlrabi. Thomas Jefferson was the first president to mention broccoli in his early gardening efforts in a letter in the late 18th century. Despite its early presidential support, broccoli took...

The Logic of Sanctuary Cities

The Logic of Sanctuary Cities

In the United States today, there appears to be a proliferation of “Sanctuary Cities.” Some states are declaring themselves as “Sanctuary States.” The consequence of this movement is to protect illegal immigrants, with criminal records, from being deported. The ostensible reason for this “protectionism” is to prevent parents from being separated from their children born...

I am going to die

I am going to die

I am going to die I don’t know when, or how, or why, but I know I will die. Why avoid this basic truth? Is it because we can’t bear to think that we will no longer exist – that there is nothing after death – just a nothingness like being “put under” an anesthetic...


Regrets are fruitless

Regretting the past only leads to spiritual depression Feelings of regret are not limited to the dying. Nor are they limited to the old. Most people have regrets now and then. Even Job had regrets. In fact, regrets come in all forms: regret over things not done or said; regret over things said and done;...