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I am a Successful Dieter

I have struggled with my weight from the time I was in high school. I never seemed to be able to get my weight down to what the experts told me that I was supposed to weigh. If I wanted to be an air line hostess, I had to get my weight down from 145...

Low Carbohydrate Diet

Uncontrolled Type II Diabetes

Whenever I hear about someone having “uncontrollable Type II diabetes” I wonder what they have been eating. And I wonder what their physician has told them to eat or their diabetic dietician. I had two brothers who had Type II diabetes and was appalled at the information they received on their diets and the food...

Low Carbohydrate Diet

Want to Lose Weight? Here’s a Plan

Most honest Diet researchers agree that “one size does not fit all.” Not everyone will succeed on the same diet plan. Each of us has a different gene pool, different metabolisms, different lifestyles and different access to food. The problem is that every diet guru believes and preaches that his or her program is THE...