Category: Religion

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Pam relaxing

Have you ever wondered why you are still alive?

Your friends and relatives, people you know, keep dying around you. They die suddenly or from a protracted illness. People you went to school with keep dying and class reunions get smaller and smaller. Friends die in automobile or airplane crashes. They die from autoimmune disease, cancers, CO VID, from many different sources. Death is...


The Question of Mary

Christian beliefs about Jesus’ mother Mary differ. I was watching an episode of The Journey Home last night. This is a program that interviews people who have converted to the Catholic faith exploring their journey. This particular program featured a former Evangelical pastor from the Holiness church. The question arose, as it usually does with...

In Defense of the Roman Catholic Mass

In Defense of the Roman Catholic Mass

(Originally published on Helium April 18, 2013) There are many criticisms on the internet of the Roman Catholic Mass by both Catholics and non-Catholics alike. This article defends the Mass. The two major criticisms of the Mass by Catholics (also called Eucharist by Catholics) are: 1) that it’s boring and 2) that it is no...

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