Year: 2017

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Little Known WWII Facts: Death rates among Civilian POWs in the Philippines

Little Known WWII Facts: Death rates among Civilian POWs in the Philippines

The following statistics were provided by Angus Lorenzen and Martin Meadows (1) The number of internees fluctuated [at the Santo Tomas Internment Camp or STIC], but usually was around 4,000; people were constantly entering and leaving (e.g., missionaries for a time, the sick, and the elderly), and it has been estimated that, altogether,...

Why AKC Papers are Important when Buying a Purebred Puppy

Why AKC Papers are Important when Buying a Purebred Puppy

If you have decided to buy a purebred dog in the United States, AKC papers are critically important to your decision-making process. Your only other alternative to AKC papers, certifying that you are buying a purebred dog, is to have DNA testing on the dog prior to purchasing it. The breeder or owner may not...

The Illogic of Sanctuary Cities

The Illogic of Sanctuary Cities

In the United States today, there appears to be a proliferation of “Sanctuary Cities.” Some states are declaring themselves as “Sanctuary States.” The consequence of this movement is to protect illegal immigrants, with criminal records, from being deported. The ostensible reason for this “protectionism” is to prevent parents from being separated from their children who...


Good Friday Liturgy

Today is Good Friday. Catholics do not celebrate a complete Mass on Good Friday. There is no Mass at all on Holy Saturday. There is a hiatus between Holy Thursday which commemorates the Last Supper and the institution of the Eucharist and Easter Sunday which commemorates Jesus’ resurrection from the dead. In the Church calendar,...

Using Imagination in Prayer

Using Imagination in Prayer

Many of us, when we think about praying or prayer, generally mean “talking to God.” Whether the prayer is a memorized prayer such as the Our Father, a spontaneous “Thank you God” whisper, reading prayers out of a prayer book, or asking for something, prayer is frequently vocal. We are talking to God. We either...


How I got Started Writing

Just before finishing my PhD, the UCLA School of Nursing offered me a job as an Assistant Professor. I was warned right away that UCLA was a “publish or perish” university. That meant that if I didn’t publish research papers, no matter how wonderful I was as a teacher, I would not get promoted or...